Worship is the weekly opportunity for the body of Christ to come together, in one room, to be about the business of the church: worship. Regardless of where one is on their faith walk, from the church “novice” to a life-long follower, we aim to make worship open and accessible to all. We believe in a “come as you are” mantra. God is honored by our presence in worship, be it in jeans or a suit. Our pews are open to persons of all walks of life, creeds and backgrounds. Our communion table (communion is offered on the 1st Sunday of every month at all services) is also open to all believers and non-believers alike. We were all once that person taking the first steps toward faith. Ashland offers 3 unique worship experiences to fit the way you connect with God the most:

8:00 AM Traditional Chapel Service

Our 8 am service takes place in our chapel worship space. This is a “small-church” more intimate environment consisting of “old-hymn” singing, prayer and a message with communion every week. If you like a worship setting where “everyone knows everyone else”, this is a good option for you!

9:00 AM Contemporary Service

Our 9 am service is usually the largest of the morning. Led by our contemporary worship team with full worship band, the service is more high energy than our other offerings. The music features the most recent worship songs and artists of the day including Elevation Worship, Bethel and others. Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month.

11:00 AM Traditional Service

Our 11 am service, though branded a “traditional” service, has blended elements utilizing old traditional hymns accompanied by organ as well as more modern choruses accompanied by piano. The music is led by our “vocal ensemble” which provide top-notch choral music every week throughout the year. Special instrumentation including handbells are incorporated often.

The Ashland Podcast network is an audio source for you to stay connected with worship when you are away. Audio episodes of the weekly sermons are uploaded and available by Monday at noon. Available on Apple iTunes or Spotify.

Coming soon!

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