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Discovery Class (Room G14)

The Discovery group is generally compromised of middle Boomers and focuses on contemporary Bible studies. Discovery is very active, supportive of many church activities, and has several social activities throughout the year. They have new Christians, established disciples, and everything in between within their ranks and welcome anyone with open arms. If you like the group activity and lively discussion, come see what Discovery has to offer

Contact: Tim Burtner

Faith Matters (Room 104)

Faith Matters is a group comprised of family-focused adults. Included are married couples with and without children, couples who are dating, and single adults too! We emphasize each one growing spiritually in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Contact: Kate Esley

Seekers (Room 112)

The Seekers is a group comprised primarily of retired Ashland members. Using a variety of video series lessons, the class focuses on the daily life application of those lessons in their group discussions.

Contact: Joan Hickman

The Garden (Room G11)

The Garden is about fellowship, friendship, and fun.  If you pass by our door, you will hear laughter and discussion about Jesus, loving God, loving others, the New Testament, the Old Testament, and living the Great Commandment to love God and love one another. Each Sunday we begin our class with prayer requests and praises and then one of our teachers presents a lesson to stimulate discussions. Our emphasis, beyond loving God and others, is on fellowship and friendship.

Contact: Bill Hinde

Lighthouse (Room G13)

The Lighthouse group ranges from ages 50 and up. A typical class consists of lighthearted conversation followed by a video series lesson with engaging conversation to follow.

Contact: William Smith

This Is Us (Room 114)

This is a still forming new small group as of the Fall of 2024. The group consists of all ages including singles and couples, anyone wanting to connect with a small group of caring souls. Conversation topics revolve around follow-up discussions on the Sunday sermon message.

Contact: Carol Walter